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来源:21英语网  时间:2011-07-11 10:14

郭巧生 河北经贸大学

Strive for life, Live for your dream

You have a dream, great! When you were eight, it was adorable. When you were eighteen, it was inspiring. But now you are twenty eight, and it is officially time to come down out of the clouds and deal with the real world. I just want you to stop before you get too heart-broken. This is probably what you would hear a mother say to her 28-year-old daughter who still wants to be a movie star after she just lost her job as a common journalist.

Harlem, New York is not a safe place to live. There was an African-American kid, who was born without a father and his mother was a drug dealer who became a sacrificial lamb of the horrible place.  The boy became an orphan when he was only 13 years old. In order to survive, he continued the family business---selling drugs on the street. Nobody looked after him except his old grandparents. Nobody expected him to become someone in the future apart from a prisoner or dead like his mother.  No one knew he had a dream buried deep inside his mind that one day he would become a gangster rapper.

His dream drove him to a better place. His name is Curtis Jackson known as 50 Cent. He is a legend in the rap world. His name is known around the world and he will always be remembered by millions of rap music fans.

It is true that I don't live in an environment like 50 cent did. We don't hear gun shooting outside our window in the middle of the night. Thanks to our ancestors, this nation we live in is free of ghettoes and is quite a peaceful place to dwell. However, countless new problems keep popping up like the stars in the sky. Problems like endless exams for students, and extremely expensive houses for the younger generation are just few.  Immigrant workers are separated from their beloved ones for tiny salaries while job-hunting is becoming more and more difficult for fresh graduates. The questions in front us, make us wonder, what should we do?

I am in no way an expert of any kind; I am just an English major student who is trying my best to make my mark in this world. I can not tell you what to do! I can not give any life-altering advice. What I can do is to explain to you my own thoughts. There is a time in your life when you suddenly realize what life is really all about.  For me, that moment came a little too late.  I came to college, with a basic English background. Unfortunately I chose to play with my precious time for the first two years.  Everybody has a little part of themselves that wants to engage in something bigger than they are. I found this desire. So I started to try harder, sometimes harder than I knew I could. And now I’m here standing in front of so many wonderful people doing a little mind-exchanging.

When you have something bigger than yourself deep inside you, you have to go for it. I am sure people will be telling you it is embarrassing to still have a dream, or drop it before you get heart-broken just like what the mother said to her 28- year-old daughter.

Premier Zhou didn't go for an easy life, he once said he would read for the uprising of China, and that's exactly what he has done. Tupac, Eminem, 50 Cent, they didn't settle for what crummy cards were dealt to them, otherwise we would have never heard their inspiring songs. If our Chairman Mao had thought that China was a country with such a large population, undoubtedly someone else would rescue the people from the war and hardship; we might have never seen the great establishment of the People’s Republic of China. So if there is one thing that you can learn from Curtis Jackson that is to strive for your life and live for your dream.