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湖北经济学院杨柳:My view on the role of humanism in today’s technologically advanced world
来源:21世纪英文网  时间:2012-04-20 12:11




Today, I would like to begin my speech with a story. Long long time ago, there was a doctor who had an insatiable desire for knowledge.In order to know everything about the world, he made a transaction with the devil who owned the power to satisfy his crazy ambition. As the expense, he had to sell his soul to the devil. With the help of the devil, he at last conquered the war, won in the politics and even owned a beautiful wife. Just when he was beginning to enjoy the life he had long been dreaming of, the devil came to claim his award and took his soul away. At last, the doctor turned out to be a hollow man without soul.

May be you have heard about the story. Yes, the doctor’s name is Faustus, a role created by Christopher Marlow hundreds of years ago, and a role which is now regarded as greedy, crazy, irrational or any other words that equal to the word absurdity. However, ladies and gentlemen, aren’t we, the so called modern people, Mr. and Mrs. Faustus? Isn’t our endless pursuit for advanced technology like the ridiculous transaction made between the devil and Dr. Faustus, by which we confidently believe that we have conquered the whole world, but for which we have lost our souls on the never ending road of pursuing high-technology.

So, ladies and gentlemen, let me state a fact that has long been forgotten: development of technology should be humanism oriented. The original purpose of technology, such as the invention of rice cookery and washing machine, was to liberate humanity from labor, so that we would have more time and energy to enjoy our lives. However, on the contrary, with the high speed development of technology, in this digital world, we find at last that we are too busy to care for our own needs and feelings. To make it worse, our living environment is now threatened by technology, the air is polluted by vehicle emission, and the soil is poisoned by nondecomposable batteries. Technology has become a curse of devil. 

Fortunately, I’m happy to see that in today’s technologically advanced world, people began to realize the guiding role of humanism in technology. In some cities, human needs are put into priority in blueprint planning; advanced technology and management are employed to protect culture and human heritage. Science and technology is drawing back towards the right position it ought to be.

To summarize, in the history of human civilization, humanism once played the role of driven force of technology. In today’s world as well as in the future, no matter how advanced it develops, technology should serve for humanism rather than deviate from it. Let’s treat humanism as guidance, and thus steer technology in the direction of a road to paradise.