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北京农学院张硕:Light and road
来源:21世纪英文网  时间:2012-04-20 14:15



Last week, I spent the most meaningful night in my life on the great wall. The earth hour 2012, as a coordinator in this program with 36 universities, I was so excited, shouting, jumping, screaming, shed tears and felt our team's hard work of two months was so very worth it.

When i look back to see how much I have grown up in this process, I found that the sense of achievement comes from not only the result of this activity, most importantly, it comes from a difficulty I conquered at the very beginning. I still clearly remembered the first time when I gave the promoting presentation in front of the students. While most of them were inspired and showed their support, there were several students were against this action. They use the analysis and data to say this would on the contrary increase the electricity consumption, and the state grid may have a chance to stop. The demonstration was quite impressive, sophisticated and expertise from technological level. As a scientific student myself, standing on the stage, holding the microphone, faced with these arguments. All of a sudden, i was at lost. I started to question myself. Can we have a cooler planet and a greener future because of the 60min? Can we change the environment and heal the world because of 1 hour? Technologically, no, definitely not. Then why? After a while of the horrible Silence on the stage, I figured out the answer. What our team endeavor to achieve is not the conservation of energy, rather, it's the innovation of the consciousness, it's not about what we do in the 60min, but about what motivate it beyond that, it's not about the science and technology, but about the humanism, which plays the role as a guiding star, and here, humanism is not human centrism, we care about the earth as a whole. I shared with this idea with my peers, and from those smiling faces, i realized that from then on, we were a team.

Last night I checked the feedback of this event, I saw tons of pics, videos and micro blogs from those universities. What's more, in some emails from the students, they said some subtle changes happened around, be it in the dormitory or on the campus. I felt more proud then ever for my team, because instead of being 100%thinkers or doers, we play the role of both. Instead of focusing solely on the technology or humanism, we clarify the roles of each other. Instead of being the students in the ivory tower, we are youth who take actions.

Thanks to this precious experience, now under this topic. I want to say, in this technologically advanced world, we are proceeding not for the humanism, but with it. Regarding it as the beacon of hope at every stage of human progress. In this way, we will find we have already arrived as far as we want to go.

Thank you ladies and gentlemen.