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上海理工大学王祖斐:Noble or Ignoble: Humanism Gives Technology Value My view on the Role of Humanism in Today`s Technologically Advanced world
来源:21世纪英文网  时间:2012-04-20 15:03



    我是王祖斐, 是来自上海理工大学金融学专业的大三学生。平时我兴趣爱好广泛,喜欢绘画,阅读旅游,当然也喜欢学习英语。我认真学习,每学期都会获得学校的学习优秀奖学金。我是学院学生会办公室的部长,也参与并策划各项校内外活动。此外我也热心于参加各类校内外的活动,尤其是志愿者活动。至今,我已经参与上海外滩美术馆(RAM)的志愿者服务工作,担任志愿者及导览员;参与2010上海世博会志愿者,成为一名光荣的小白菜;参与2011上海国际泳联世界锦标赛(2011 FINA World Championship)的志愿者服务,担任联络官。这些课余活动不仅丰富了我的生活,锻炼了我的能力,还让我进一步的感受到责任心和团队精神的重要性,同时也让我交到了许多好朋友。至于实习方面,在去年,有幸可以成为中国银行的暑期实习,这段经历让我更加了解这个行业并促使我进步。现在我在汇丰银行实习,同事们专业的精神过硬的技能更激励我时刻进步,成为一名专业人士。


 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. My topic is: Noble or Ignoble: Humanism Gives Technology Value. Does technology has any value? Yes, it does. If there is no value, technology will become foolish or wicked. The modern life is flooded with high-tech products. Useful or useless, we are not clear. The massive destruction of high-end weapon is by no means the scary Hollywood fairy-tale but the cruel reality in Syria. Is it just or unjust? Some people doubt whether technology has brought more bless than curse, asking is it possible to persuade mankind to live without technology? But it is everywhere, there is no place to hide at all. In fact even if we succeed in abolishing technology, our work will still not be done. Our work will never be done until we have obtained wisdom for it, a wisdom which gives technology human’s value. In my view, this wisdom lies in humanism, a human-based philosophy with its emphasis on human’s welfare and development. Protected by humanism, man makes technology serv0e us better by guiding its way, restricting its use and remedying its by-products. Let me share three points.

First, humanism, which concerns man’s cooperation and social conscience, can guide the way of technological advancement. Micro-blog is one of the most outstanding examples. Thanks to it, missing kids are found and led back to their desperate parents; helping people are sent to the remote areas; the relay of charity is going on non-stop. Where there is humanism, there is combination of technological development with our good intention.

Second, humanism gives technology man’s value by restricting its applications. You may say, uah, technology is a neutral term, which may be used for either noble or ignoble purposes. Yes, indeed! There is no good or bad technology. There are only just or unjust applications. To use it wisely, technology must be added with human’s morality which seek to maintain a positive human’s relationship or his relationship with nature. Here, I classify the technological applications into 4 levels: ignoble, legitimate, noble and great. Technology, produced to destroy the relationships whether out of money-making move or not is called ignoble. A case in point is the insane animal farming industry. A Chinese company aroused a nationwide accusation when it was reported to make medicine by extracting bear bile alive. No matter how loudly the business declared its high-tech identity, such tech is regarded as a shame. Human will stop benefiting himself if he fails to benefit other species. Humanism, the essence of which is human-based value, is by no means the selfish human-centered exploit. Technology, which is used to make money but does no harm, is called legitimate. I believe some unnecessary devices such as auto TV or video belongs to this group. Technology, which is invented to benefit people and by doing so make profit, we call it noble. Steve Job’s iPad series, by putting internet into our pocket, is becoming the latest noble technology. If technology is created to boost the happiness of all humanity, it is not for money, or the money earned will be returned to people, this technology is called great. Few of us ever paid attention to the inventor of internet. But nobody will deny it is one of the greatest technologies in history.

Last but not least, any technology designed for good-will can probably be applied in the wrong way or produce unexpected side effect. There is never a year without technological crises caused by human’s error or natural disaster. When damage is made or harm is done, humanism inspired people to rescue life and remedy the high-tech by-product. Last year when Fukushima nuclear leakage embroiled Japanese people under severe threat of radiation, it was the brave volunteers who risked their own lives to repair the destroyed reactors. In Syria where local people are threatened by weapons, aid workers come from various countries to offer helping hands. Those people worked long hours, far away from home, in the most difficult conditions. When technology brings cut to people, humanism heals it.

Humanism, the guidance, the restriction, the remedy! It urges us to define technology’s moral, ignoble, legitimate, noble or great. So where there is technology invented, there is technology which serves people justifiably. Humanism, it also makes us examine our high-tech world and consider what more we can do to ensure technology boosts human’s long-standing interest and makes a better world for all humanity. Thank you!