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Shining bright like the stars
作者:周子楠    时间:2023-10-05 10:20
“Please stand up and sing the anthem of the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee.” The Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center was red on the National Day. Everyone stood up and silence fell in the audience. But it was not really silent. There was an eye-catching group of teenagers, all in yellow uniform and blue caps. While singing the anthem, they shone like the stars on the Chinese flag.

On Oct 1st, 2023, the 19th Asian Games 2022 Hangzhou Women's Basketball Group Stage Game was held between Chinese Taipei and Republic of Korea. Over a hundred students whose ages ranged from 6 years old to 18, came to enjoy the spectacular event while celebrating the National Day of People’s Republic of China. They were bilingual interviewers, from everywhere in China. When it was the time to sing national anthem, without being told, they all took off their blue hats and stood still.

“This is common sense. Taking off our hats and showing respect to other countries is the very basic knowledge. We have to respect all the teams, not only our own,” said Yuky Weng, one of the teenagers. She said that they watched the game on behalf of all Chinese students; therefore they must show the warmest welcome to the foreign team.

Another bilingual interviewer Jessica, aged 13, also expressed her thoughts. “Although we are not from Taipei, still, our hearts are linked together. They are our siblings.” She also said that students who were standing very far away had their hats on for the whole time. “The virtue of respect should be taught to all young people. This is how we show our Chinese culture. This is how we need to greet others. Young people really need to do so, because the future is in our hands. Together, we share a brighter future.”