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Traveling all the way
作者:朱润熙 时枫瑞 宋泽佳    时间:2023-10-05 10:29
During the basketball competition between Chinese Taipei and Korea on October 1st., the national day, our sibling team lost the game, but behind the sad atmosphere, there was also something that we should pay attention to.

Before the competition began, six volunteers who looked like “little green lotus” mopped the field neatly. “We are supposed to keep the field clean to make the athletes play tp their best level.” Linye, one of the volunteers told us, "whenever an athlete fell down, or the ball is out of bounds, we will clean the floor and pick up the ball immediately."

Action like this which made us warm appeared a lot of times during this game. When Chinese Taipei got in trouble, spectators above began to cheer for them, shouting with excitement. "Taipei, cheers up!" One by one, it really resounded over the field and brought the warmth to all of us. Showing the true heart, hundreds of volunteers and spectators travel all the way of the Asian games, in order to make the Asian games go smoothly. Let the athletes travel all the way to carry forward the sports spirits. Thanks to them, all of us can travel all the way.