87:59! South Korea Won the Match!
作者:石佳鑫 时间:2023-10-08 09:47
On October 1, South Korea defeated Chinese Taipei 87:59! The game was filled with the spirit of athleticism and sportsmanship and was highly anticipated by people of all ages.

At first, Chinese Taipei scored 14 points but South Korea scored 7 points. At this thrilling moment, South Korea took the lead with a three-point shot and then a two-point shot in just a few seconds. These unexpected scores ignited the passion of the spectators and also the athletes. In the following matches, South Korea excelled in the game at a rate of 70% to 80%. Obviously, Chinese Taipei tried their best to catch up with the lost scores, but it was really a pity that they failed.
However, all of the athletes showed off their skills, teamwork and determination, and the match served as a reminder of the unifying power of sportsmanship and camaraderie in healthy competition. We are looking forward to their wonderful performances in the next matches!