10月5日至6日,第25届中国日报社“21世纪·可口可乐杯”全国大学生英语演讲比赛为期两天的半决赛在广州白云国际会议中心举行。演讲的主题“No person is an island”听来似乎显得严肃,但现场的气氛却不失轻松愉快,时时引人莞尔。这或许要归功于即兴演讲部分的提问评委——广东广播电视台主持人Hazza。
1. [即兴演讲话题:是否支持用DNA数据配对来寻找伴侣]
提问:As someone who is currently single myself and is not in a rush to find a partner, I’m curious as to why, at such a young age, you are so eager to find a partner?
来自郑州大学西亚斯学院的左诗是这样回答的:(大意) 大学生面临学习和找工作的双重压力,释放压力的最好途径就是有一个懂自己的人可以促膝长谈,“fill my void”。爱和欣赏,以及三观一致是两个人在一起的前提,这些都是DNA数据配对无法实现的。
左诗 郑州大学西亚斯学院
2. [即兴演讲话题:说说疫情期间激励和鼓舞你的那些事]
提问:You just shared with us what inspired you during COVID-19, but I’d like to know if there was a time at all during the pandemic that you felt you have lost hope. And if the answer is “Yes”, how did you deal with that?
3. [即兴演讲话题:直播带货是否会改变人们的购物习惯]
提问:As someone who has never watched a single e-commerce livestream and who has never purchased a single item after watching a livestream, how would you convince me to give watching livestreams a try?
4. [即兴演讲话题:在大数据给我们带来便利的同时,如何兼顾隐私的保护]
提问:I think that you’re a deep thinker, so my question is going to be slightly philosophical. Do you find it ironic that people who are so willing to share so much of their lives on social media, are often the same people expressing concerns about privacy and data security — oftentimes on social media?
5. [即兴演讲话题:综艺节目《乘风破浪的姐姐》是否有助于扭转社会对女性的刻板印象]
提问:Reality shows and competition shows have become extremely popular. But why do you think people enjoy watching others compete so much?